Court system
According to Part 1 of the Art. 111 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the courts of the Republic of Lithuania are as follows: the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the Court of Appeal of Lithuania, district (local) and regional courts. It is provided in Part 2 of this article that specialized courts are established by the statutory law for hearing of administrative, labour, family and other categories of cases. It is specified in Part 2 Art. 12 of the Law on Courts of the Republic of Lithuania that an integral structure of courts of the Republic of Lithuania is formed of the general competence courts and specialized courts. Since Kaunas Regional Court and the district (local) courts falling under its jurisdiction are the general competence courts, further provided information is related only to the courts of general competence.
District (local) courts are the first instance courts (Art. 15 of the Law on Courts of the Republic of Lithuania) for:
1) civil cases, assigned by law to their competence;
2) criminal cases, assigned by law to their competence;
3) cases assigned by law to competence of mortgage judges;
4) cases of some administrative offences assigned by law to their competence;
5) cases related to enforcement of decisions and sentences.
6) In cases provided by the law, judges of a district (local) court perform functions of a pre-trial judge, an enforcement judge and other functions assigned to the competence of a district (local) court by law.
Regional Courts (Art. 19 of the Law on Courts of the Republic of Lithuania):
1) are the courts of first instance for hearing the following civil cases:
a) when the sum of the claim exceeds one hundred and fifty thousand litas, except for family cases and cases of employment relationships as well as cases for compensation of non-property damage;
b) regarding copyright non-property legal relationships;
c) regarding civil public tender legal relationships;
d) regarding bankruptcy and restructuring;
e) where one of the parties is a foreign country or state;
f) according to complaints regarding the compulsory selling of shares (dividends, interest);
g) according to the complaints regarding the investigation of a legal entity’s activities;
h) regarding compensation of property and non-property damage caused by violating established rights of patients;
i) other civil cases, assigned to their jurisdiction by law as courts of first instance (Art. 27 of the CPC of the Republic of Lithuania);
2) are the first instance courts for hearing criminal cases, where persons are charged of committing serious and very serious offences with exception of the cases provided for in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Lithuania and also cases, where the accused at the moment of commission a crime held the position of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, members of Parliament or Government, judges of the Constitutional Court, and other judges or prosecutors;
3) are an appellate instance for decisions, judgements, sentences, rulings and orders of district (local) courts;
4) perform other functions assigned to their competence by law.
The Court of Appeal of Lithuania (Art. 21 of the Law on Courts of the Republic of Lithuania):
1) is an appellate instance for decisions, judgements, sentences, rulings and orders of regional courts;
2) hears requests for the recognition of the decisions of foreign courts, international courts and arbitration awards and their enforcement in the Republic of Lithuania;
3) performs other functions assigned to its competence by law.
The Supreme Court of Lithuania (Art. 23 of the Law on Courts of the Republic of Lithuania):
1) is the one and only instance of cassation to the decisions, judgements, rulings, resolutions (with exception of the resolutions in the cases of administrative offences) and orders of the courts of general jurisdiction that are already in force. The Supreme Court hears requests for renewal of the proceedings in completed cases of administrative offences.
2) develops the uniform court practice for the courts of general jurisdiction in the interpretation and application of statutes and other legal acts.
3) following interpretations of the judicial institutions of the European Union, analyses and summarises the court practice of the courts of general jurisdiction upon applying legal standards of the European Union and provides recommendations regarding cooperation of the courts of general jurisdiction and judicial institutions securing the uniform interpretation and application of legal acts of the European Union in the Republic of Lithuania.
4) performs other functions assigned to its competence by law.
Court opening hours
Monday–Thursday 8.00–17.00
Friday 8.00–15.45
Lunch time 12.00 –12.45
Information about Cases
Office of criminal cases departament:
+370 37 490 976
Office of civil cases departament:
+370 37 490 946
Court Office:
+370 37 490 941